St. Clement's is equipped with a number of accessibility features:

  • Hearing loop system
  • Motorized stairlift 
  • Wheelchair ramp
  • Translation system via your smart phone or talent
  • Large print hymn books
  • Close, plentiful free parking
  • Companion animals welcome
  • Accessible washroom (enter through hall door at rear of church)
  • Livestreamed service for those unable to attend in person. 

T-coil compatibility is available through our induction loop (hearing loop) technology.

Our service has live captioning. Users can access it by entering the unique 5-letter code posted on the whiteboard near the piano and view the transcription in the language of their choice. They also have the option of downloading a copy of the transcript:

1. Download the Microsoft Translator app.

2. Or, open your Chrome browser on any device and visit

We are working to improve our older building in order to further enhance our ability to welcome people of all abilities.