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After church on Palm Sunday, parishioners stayed behind to enjoy a beautifully presented lunch and to hear from the wardens regarding St. Clement's immediate and ongoing plans. (For a copy of the wardens' slide presentation, please see file attached below.)

Rector's Warden Delayne Sartison shared with us the happy news that the Ven. Philippa Segrave-Pride has accepted the post of interim priest at St. Clement's, and will guide us through the year ahead as we prepare to call a new rector. St. Clement's was gratified by the high number of interim applicants who offered their gifts to us, and we appreciate all who expressed an interest in joining our team. Philippa is currently an associate priest at Christ Church Cathedral, and has archdeaconly responsibilities as well. Philippa will be able to lead our worship on Sunday, May 19 (Victoria Day Long Weekend), and will begin with us officially on June 1. On Sundays other than May 19, we will enjoy the company of supply clergy after Lynne's last Sunday on April 21.

Delayne noted that Lynne's duties at St. Clement's cease on Easter Sunday, but we aren't going to say too many "farewells" that day - it is a day to celebrate Christ's resurrection and the new life among us. We will save most of our goodbyes for Lynne's Farewell Dinner on Saturday, April 27.

We were reminded that the canonical committee tasked with leading the development of a parish profile and selecting a new priest consists of the wardens (Phoebe and Delayne) and the synod delegates and alternates (Leah, Lynda, Lorna, Ian Halliday-Gunn and Ian Thomas). Delayne assured us that the canonical committee would be consulting with the congregation throughout the process to gather input regarding our hopes for our future mission and ministry, and the qualities we would hope for in a priest.

In the months ahead, the parish profile will be given to the Diocese, which will advertise the position. Anglicans and Lutherans may both apply to be our priest, as these churches are in full communion in Canada and the United States. With input from our canonical committee, the Diocese will give us a shortlist of applicants, who will be interviewed by our canonical committee. All going well, we hope to call a new priest within the space of a year.

Delayne conveyed to us that Archbishop Skelton has approved our continued relationship and occasional joint worship with Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church, but directed that no "structural changes" regarding issues such as clergy staffing or property be decided prior to our hiring a new incumbent.

Lunch-goers then broke up into table discussions to share hopes and concerns in regards to our future, both in terms of our parish community and our relationship with Mt. Olivet. A very common theme was our gratitude for St. Clement's current vitality, and the hope that it would continue to grow and thrive.