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The Rev. Vivian Seegers presided over the Eucharist for the first time on Advent 1, having been ordained to the priesthood just the day before. The well-attended service was enhanced with a beautiful new Advent candle-lighting liturgy led by Lynley and the choir - and who doesn't love singing Godspell's "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" when processing?

At the close of the service, Vivian was presented with stoles made by two St. Clement's fabric artists who used their creativity to fashion stoles woven throughout with symbolism and meaning. Joanne Graham's green stole for use in Ordinary time included the colours of the medicine wheel (white, black, yellow, and white), as well as a Saskatchewan wildflower representing Vivian's home and the anchor of St. Clement's. 

And Alecia Greenfield crafted a red Pentecost stole bursting with red, yellow and orange ribbons that left Vivian temporarily speechless. Vivian then told us the ribbons had great meaning for her, and that yellow ones are said to represent emotion.

It is with love and pride that St. Clement's has walked this part of Vivian's journey alongside her. We are blessed to have you as our curate, Vivian!