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Update: Here's a good story from the national Anglican Journal.

We are proud to announce that the Diocese of Kootenay has voted the Rev. Dr. Lynne McNaughton to be the next bishop of the Diocese of Kootenay. Despite our sadness at the thought of Lynne leaving North Vancouver, we are delighted that Lynne has been affirmed in her episcopal call and know she will be much loved in her new position. Her last Sunday at St. Clement's will be Easter, which falls on April 21 this year.

The morning following the election was Sunday, and Lynne was back in the pulpit at St. Clement's. The congregation took the opportunity to present Lynne with a bouquet of flowers, and Alecia Greenfield presented her with a beautiful handcrafted stole featuring the St. Clement's anchor and, on the back collar, a dove to symbolize travel and flight.

We are fortunate that St. Clement's is in a healthy place to make this leadership transition. We have fantastic wardens and an enthusiastic parish council, and most members will be returning after this year's vestry meeting on February 10. More important, our parishioners are engaged, faithful, committed and just plain fun to be around! A canonical committee tasked with determining our next priest has been struck, and collectively we will all roll up our sleeves to help create the parish profile that will enable prospective candidates to get to know us a little.