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Sign up to have Mary, Joseph, and the donkeys visit your home in Advent, Sunday December 3 through to Christmas Eve.   Every year at St. Clement’s, Mary, Joseph, and the donkeys travel from house to house throughout our parish.  The sign-up sheet will be at coffee hour, or call Lynne 604-780-1420.   On the date you receive them, you will connect with whoever has them (meet for coffee, invite them for tea, have Mary and Joseph dropped off at your home) and the next day connect with the people who are receiving Mary and Joseph for that night.    If you wish you can take a picture of them in your home, and write a little bit in their travel journal.  

Posadas is the Spanish word for “lodging”.  As we celebrate Advent, the season of waiting for the Birth of Christ in our midst, the tradition of Los Posadas, of offering lodging to Mary and Joseph in their travels, is symbolic of offering room in our hearts and homes for the Christ Child.