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During Epiphany, we have been distributing both The Sunday Paper and The Sunday Paper Junior along with your bulletin. We have heard good feedback from people, but would like to hear more from families and individuals about whether it is being read, how it may help illuminate the lectionary readings, and means by which we might utilize this resource differently or better. 

We particularly draw adults' attention to the "Note to Parents" on the back of the Sunday Paper Junior, which often has wise insights into the readings or season of the Church year that can be helpful for all of us.

For those people who engage in lectionary study before Sunday morning, they can be provided in advance. Please let Peggy know if this would be useful to you or your Bible study group. The verses excerpted for illustration in The Sunday Paper might serve as a handy springboard for your lectio divina practice!

Copies of the Sunday Papers for the first Sunday in Lent are attached for your perusal. Feedback to Peggy or Lynne welcome.