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Diocesan communications is advising local Anglicans to heed the call to confirm their complimentary subscriptions to the Anglican Journal and Topic, the monthly newspaper sent to members of the Diocese of New Westminster. 

The national Anglican communications system has been under discussion, with potential movement away from print copies coming in the future. But for those of us who love our news in "hard copy," please confirm your desire to keep your subscription active. Otherwise, the last copy that will be mailed to you will be the June 2019 edition. 

As noted in the Diocese's web post:

If you wish to continue to receive the Anglican Journal and Topic please do the following:

EMAIL: and send your name, address, phone number and the ID# label that appears on your copy.

MAIL: download and fill out the coupon available below, fill it in and mail to: Anglican Journal, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. Or send in the information in a letter.

PHONE TOLL-FREE: 1-866-333-0959


For more information, including a note regarding this matter from the General Secretary of the national church, please click here.