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A Bible Study for anyone interested in going behind the scenes to look at how Paul was understood in his Jewish context.

Back by popular demand, this four-week study will be led by New Testament scholar, Jenny Read-Heimerdinger. Sessions will be held on Zoom. A recording will be made available for one week following each date on our YouTube page and through our parish newsletter.

Contact the Reverend Helen Dunn to receive the Zoom link.

Course outline

 8th November 2023

  1. Biography
  2. His origins
  3. The mission he was entrusted with

29th November 2023

  1. Paul and Barnabas
  2. Antioch of Syria
  3. To the Jews first…
  4. What to do about the Gentiles?

6th December 2023

  1. Paul and Silas
  2. ‘We’ interpret his vision in Troas
  3. Imprisoned in Philippi
  4. Preaching to the Athenians

13th  December 2023

  1. The final journey to Jerusalem
  2. Causing a riot in Ephesus
  3. The collection from the Gentiles
  4. Attempts to get Paul to Rome
  5. For and against Israel