Through the Diocese of New Westminster, St. Clement's is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, a network of churches linked by tradition and affection and active in over 165 countries. While the Anglican Church bodies in different countries are to a great extent self-governing, members of the Anglican Communion work together with the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury to discern together the evolving dream of God for the world, and to support each other in working toward these ends.

Members of the Anglican Communion pray for each other on a three-year cycle that can be found here. You can learn more about the diversity and history of the Anglican Communion right here. Another helpful resource on the Anglican Commuion website is its Bible in the Life of the Church section, which offers up Bible studies, reflections and courses for a variety of purposes and audiences.

The Lambeth Conference, a gathering of Anglican bishops from across the globe who convene for mutual discernment, meets approximately once a decade. The other "Instruments of Communion" that link the worldwide Anglican church together are explained here