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In this morning's readings, we imagine the home that God creates for us when we create a home for God.

2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 and Luke 1:26-38  

Home. This year, that word has resonated on many different levels. For some, home is a place in which they feel trapped by the restrictions of the pandemic. For others it is the only place of retreat in which they can feel fully safe. For most people, I expect, “home” continues to elicit a mixed bag of emotions; on some days home feels cozy, and on other days it feels claustrophobic.  

This past year has transformed some extroverts into contented introverts. On the other hand, some introverts have found the ongoing solitude too demanding and wish for in-person companionship. Others long for solitude when tensions within the bubble of home grow annoying or even dangerous.   T

hey talk about the “simple pleasures of home,” but in truth the concept of “home” is not always simple.

Please click below for a written version of today's homily.