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This is the fourth week of Lent, traditionally known as Laetare Sunday (from the Latin "rejoice"!) It can be a Sunday in which we relax from Lent's rigours and allow ourselves to be reminded and refreshed by the many gifts of God.

It may feel unnatural to be called to rejoice in these uncertain times, with the pandemic and its effects all around us. Yet we are indeed called to rejoice in that which remains unchanging; the love of God in the midst of it all. This week we have also been abundantly blessed with the many gifts of nature, and we thank Kath Biebrich for sharing with us this photo of a two-winged chorister from Iona Beach in Richmond - you can click below to hear the birds and frogs in full-throated praise!

Please be in fellowship with us in spirit and join along in today's service of Morning Prayer.

You can download the Word document below if you would like to take part in the responses; at the "Lent Week 4" link you will also find a selection of lovely resources on Psalm 23 provided as a gift from Illustrated Ministry. There are different ones for different ages and preferences; have a look and print off any that catch your fancy!